
Explore SetSeed's evolution via our extensive changelog, chronicling our journey of innovation and progress

System Updates

Version 9.2024.6.27

Fixed Creating groups in sitewide content areas
Fixed Page import bug
Fixed Google fonts HTTPS error
Fixed Gallery bug
Fixed Tag display bug
Fixed Storage > Images bug
Fixed Newsletter filter bug
Fixed TOTP generation bug
Fixed Jumping in live preview
Fixed PHP8 Issues
New Add subject to email link
New Add options to enable dots and arrows on banners
New Add nonce support for CSP
New Add flags and notes to form submissions
New Add creator mode as privilege item
New Full rebuild of help system content
Improved Performance improvements

Version 9.2024.4.17

New Add option to set 'from' email for all outbound email
Fixed Bug with image chooser
Improved Advanced search overhaul
New Add option to add tracking code to dispatch emails using shortcode: {TRACKING}
Improved Show orders count in main menu
New Sync users system
New Add Turnstile
Fix: Issue with ReCapcha
Fix: Design-level tools now show for widgets when editing a Group
Fixed Issue with filtering User lists by category

Version 9.2024.1.26

Improved Paths to missing images now show 404 headers and a placeholder graphic
New Add permissions roles system to allow access to items with certail roles applied
Improved Stop expired booking events from showing in the list in Bookings view
New Monitoring view to visualise apache logs (requires custom apache log setup)
New Add orders counter badge to home icon and Orders menu item

Version 9.2023.11.16

Fixed Issue with menu contents not loading when right clicking
Improved Links to removed files now show 404 header and message

Version 9.2023.11.15

Fixed Issue with duplication of results when searching in Reuse Existing
Fixed Issue when renaming Groups when the name is already in use
Fixed Issue preventing renamed Group names from updating in context when renamed elsewhere
Fixed Issue display with version menu when editing Groups
Fixed Improved alignment of items in menus
Fixed Issue with live preview not showing draft state of host page when editing Groups
Improved Preview sites use noindex meta
New Add remove 2FA option when administering admin users
New Add countdown on new site creation to allow for SSL generation
New Add Push Notification API to template layer

Version 9.2023.9.15

Fixed Issue with grecaptcha race conditions

Version 9.2023.9.7

Fixed Issue with interface not working with longer page names

Version 9.2023.9.5

Improved Live preview no longer refreshes when autosaving during typing

Version 9.2023.9.4

Fixed Issue in Settings or Design Mode when resizing window

Version 9.2023.9.1

Fixed Duplicated Groups now get added to recently shared index
Improved Live preview now shows websites in Websites view - as long as 'Force SSL' is enabled

Version 9.2023.8.21

Improved Significant performance improvements

Version 9.2023.8.17

Fixed Issue with content not showing in Content lists

Version 9.2023.8.11

Fixed Issue with Chrome duplicating text elements when using return to add new lines

Version 9.2023.8.10

Fixed Issue with search showing list of custom fields
Fixed Issue with seeing performance warning when browsing by content

Version 9.2023.8.9 Multiple undated versions in rapid development phase

New CSV import for autoshop products
Fixed Unleashed products tax issue
Improved Add batch change for page meta properties
New Google Maps address lookup in checkout
New Add recently shared and reuse existsing
New Page data flush cache system
New Add ability to use datepicker in custom widgets
New Add webauthn/passkeys support
New Add Cloudflare geo-detection support if available
New Add clear form submissisons option
New Add automatic ssl generation (when using Linode stack script)
New Add versioning to design mode themes

Version 9.2022.8.22 Multiple undated versions in rapid development phase

New Shortcode for theme_vars system
New Opt-in and add to User list option for checkout customers
New Checkbox for T&C agree when customers place orders
Improved Duplicate intstance prevention
New Unleashed integration, add orders to Unleashed
Fixed SMS registration issue
Fixed Allow full removal of widget instances
New Allow category in dropdown for newsletter signups
New Auto-shop
Improved Allow custom date format in Blog widget
Fixed Sub-page filter widget
New CSS Breakpoint Cache
Improved Add pagination to Blog widget
Fixed Fix magic heights
Fixed Google translate

Version 9.2022.4.14

Fixed Potential duplicate send issue with Compose messages

Version 9.2022.3.28

Improved Added expiry reminder email and sms to Training Results widget

Version 9.2022.1.5

Fixed Issue with dollar signs not working in table csv upload

Version 9.2021.12.17

Improved Live preview performance when editing emails

Version 9.2021.12.16

Improved Countdown widget honours website setting timezone

Version 9.2021.10.15

Fixed Issue with text alignment keyboard shortcuts affecting non-text items

Multiple undated versions in rapid development phase

Improved Added option to hide tag cloud
New Banned countries for forms
Improved Strip exif from uploaded images
New Hub integration with main UI
New Conditional javascript include system
Improved Fix legacy mode widgets carousel
Fixed IE fixes
New New header mode, allow rows to float over header
New Fixes to count system for selected items
Improved Reinstate sidebar menu
New Smiley system
Improved Forum notification emails
Fixed Hub api fix php7
Improved Add background load mode detection to widgets to prevent code from running when loaded by the page save event (which isn’t available over dns)
Fixed Fix for sub sub level items in admin
Fixed Fix for ss8 import product options
Fixed Fix overlaps bug
Fixed Fix image tag bug (new uploads)
Improved Depreciate facebook
Improved Make map accessible
Improved Added performance warning
Improved Add defered attach meta
Improved Fix chat and users list
Improved Add webversion https link
Improved Fix searching for content
New Fix hub buttons
New Add tepmlate area that only shows for non logged in users to stop analytics being tracking admin users
New Enable ipify
Improved Fixes to order prices in emails
Improved Add quick add system to forum setup
Improved Add ability to show ‘original price’ in basket
Fixed Fix date on manual bookings
New Add global theme merge system
Fixed Fix min day booking system bug
New Add 2fa auth to admin and hub
New Add version history to code fields
Improved Blog fix to hide sidebar when cats hidden
New Added code editor
Improved Added custom fields to user control bar
Improved Add hash triggers for expand collapse widget
Improved Make unleashed choose region asynchronous
Improved Add caching to unleashed api
New Sharepoint integration
New Add two window mode
New Add csp
Improved Parallax fixes
Improved Made links open in new window when clicked in live preview
New Added ‘show more’ to activity
New Add advanced filter and search options to activity and email lists
New Add magic heights framework
New Xero integration
New Add custom notes

Version 9.2021.2.10

New Option to ensure images and video assets can only be served to logged in users

Version 9.2020.12.1

New SMS login system. Major improvements to login, user account creation and account editing. Registration is possible with SMS, Email or both. Login is also possible via SMS or email

Version 9.2020.11.10

Fixed Bug with adding items to forms and form option inputs with keyboard shortcut method
New head_append meta item for widgets allows custom head code additions if the widget is used on the page
Fixed Issue with header position when page scrolled while page is loading
Fixed Performance of header/footer loading speed when video on page
Fixed Recaptcha slowing down header/footer loading
Improved Right-click peformance when working with content. Right click on items to bring up properties without creatint a multi-selection
Improved Done button peformance when editing form options
Improved Column layouts can now be designated as legacy. Added support for spaced images containers from SS8
Improved Global search field display glitches
Improved Loading screen imporovements
Improved Select all checkbox when sending to multiple newlestters lists
Fixed Google Marker Widget spaces out markers when they share the same coodinates
New Google Marker Widget
New Geolocation restriction widget
New Unleashed products
New add_to_basket template function
New Dark mode support

Version 9.2020.10.2

Improved Products system and added volume based shipping prices to products with variants

Version 9.2020.9.14

Improved Added activity logging for booking product editing

Version 9.2020.9.9

Fixed Bug when choosing links to pages

Version 9.2020.9.3

Fixed Bug preventing field order from being editable
Improved Increased maximum number or rates to 24
Fixed bug where consecutive days split over two months wern't being counted correctly
New added donation products

Version 9.2020.9.1

Fixed Issue with booking availability not showing on website in current month
Improved loading icon and prevention of error clicking when saving/editing a booking in Bookings

Version 9.2020.8.27

Fixed Images now show placeholder even if one isn't defined in Design > Setup
New Geolocation form Ipify integrated

Version 9.2020.8.26

Fixed Scroll top position after choosing image
Fixed Issue when working with text where adding a link would apply it to more than one or the wrong item
Fixed Issue when adding a text link with 'opens in new window' checked

Version 9.2020.8.25

Fixed Issue with products showing code when viewing in Activity

Version 9.2020.8.10

Fixed Groups name fixed when editing booking product
Fixed Issue with selecting day with bookings in Bookings view
Fixed Child rate now shows up correctly for Individuals/Groups booking products
Fixed Booking products fixed when showing only items as buttons
New Count of all people booked in current day in Bookings view

Version 9.2020.8.6

Fixed Issue with website settings display on small widths
Fixed Display issue with quantity chooser
Improved Calendar goes to first month with available dates
New Added Stripe as payment gateway

Version 9.2020.7.30

Fixed Oddity with position of menu
Improved Margin included in collision detection for design mode logos
Fixed Responsive video bug when resizing
Fixed the system so it tracks widgets it they are moved into Groups. Needed for the count_live_widgets Smarty plugin
Improved Groups can now be double clicked to edit them
Fixed Null fixed when renaming widgets that had no info text
Fixed Category tickbox issue fixed for users menu
Fixed Users list resize bug fixed
Fixed Hamburger menu bug fixed in design mode settings
Fixed Esc showing outer menu bar bug fixed

Version 9.2020.7.23

Fixed Calendar editing

Version 9.2020.7.7

Fixed Brands issue

Version 9.2020.5.26

New Option to set widget properties design mode only

Version 9.2020.5.15

Fixed Bugs with checkout
New Invisible reCAPTCHA support

Version 9.2020.4.16

New Ability to preview a page as a sample logged in user from different user lists
Fixed Display bug when editing Groups
Improved meta data attributes on calendar events

Version 9.2020.3.9

Improved Pages can't be set to live without having a meta title and description populated

Version 9.2020.3.9

Improved Links can now be edited or removed if they are selected before clicking the Link option from the tooltip menu

Version 9.2020.3.6

Fixed bug with choosing link to file
New Added new meta property type 'linkpageonly'

Version 9.2020.3.3

Improved Update to Ioncube v10 (requires v10 loaders)
New supports PHP 7
Fixed Tag quick-add tag name bug
Fixed Textareas allow operating system right-click
Improved Huge overhaul of drag/sort system for smoothness and performance
Fixed Sortability of untagged pages and emails in Commpose
Fixed Duplicate email in Compose

Version 9.2020.2.14

Fixed Bug where inline formatting palette when editing text only displays as a small triangle
Fixed Link editing dialogue loosing focus before typing some situations
Fixed Link editing dialogue Done button not functioning in some situations
Fixed Issue that breaks formatting palette after repeatedly editing a text area
Fixed Performance bottleneck that would deteriorate after working with a page for a long time

Version 8.2020.1.6

Fixed bug with some layouts
Fixed error in javascript console
Improved Popup link works on images without a link to show enlarged version of itself
Improved Popup link supports caption shortcode in description to allow separate caption to image alt tag

Version 8.2019.12.20

Improved Calendar start day of week can now be selected in Website Settings > General
Improved Mobile calendar now shows new events without needing the template cache to be cleared

Version 8.2019.12.13

Fixed Issue with someeee images not showing at the top of a list after being uploaded

Version 8.2019.12.12

Fixed Issue with image search tool

Version 8.2019.12.10

Fixed Issue when linking to pages containing two dashes in the url

Version 8.2019.12.6

Fixed Issue with multiple events per day on responsive calendar

Version 8.2019.12.5

Fixed Invoices no longer show remove from basket option

Version 8.2019.12.3

New Option to import Google Contacts from connected Google account

Version 8.2019.12.2

Improved Pages containing an image in a snippet can now use that image as thier default preview image

Version 8.2019.11.28

Fixed Issue with bold/italic/underline links conflicting with drag and drop
Fixed Issue with scrollbars on some devices

Version 8.2019.11.25

Fixed issue with 'Redirecting page' option

Version 8.2019.11.22

New {DIGITAL_LINKS} shortcode for order received email template
Fixed Issues with drag-scrolling

Version 8.2019.11.21

New Add support for product options to digital products

Version 8.2019.11.8

Fixed Issue with tapping dropdown menus when using touch devices

Version 8.2019.11.1

Fixed Issue with 'reply to blog comment' form not working in some browsers

Versions 8.2019.10.29

New Added Custom URL feature for SEO users

Versions 8.2019.10.9

Improved Cache now clears after adding new images and add/remove images from category

Versions 8.2019.9.27

Fixed page jumping bug in some browsers when working with long pages

Versions 8.2019.9.18b

Fixed accessible mode cache bug

Version 8.2019.8.27

Fixed Bug with dollar symbols in form field labels

Version 8.2019.8.12

Fixed Bug with PayPal showing shipping item twice

Version 8.2019.7.22

Fixed issue with legacy image galleries not uploading new images

Version 8.2019.7.19

Fixed Issue with dragging some widgets on touch screen devices
Fixed Issue with pinned article styling

Version 8.2019.7.15b

Improved Increased maximum width for new uploaded images

Version 8.2019.7.15

Fixed Retina image system improvements

Version 8.2019.7.11

New Retina image mode option in image size menu. New images have this mode enabled by default, old images don't
New Google Products feed export

Version 8.2019.7.9

Fixed Issue where sites using custom jquery versions would not use this version on the initial page load that uses the inline file display mode

Version 8.2019.7.8

New Popup From Link Widget

Version 8.2019.6.24

Fixed Bug with using 'n' key when adding image categories

Versions 8.2019.6.10

Improved Embed codes can now be saved with cmd+enter/ctrl+enter when the code field is focused

Versions 8.2019.5.24

Fixed Issue with some links breaking
Fixed Issue where some pages wouldn't be returned in search results

Versions 8.2019.4.26

New Table editor

Versions 8.2019.4.24

FixedBug where users could bypass required field test by disabling javascript

Versions 8.2019.4.23

Fixed issue with forms and empty recipients or extra commas where a form has multiple recipients

Versions 8.2019.4.16

New Versions menu shows who published previous versions
Improved when sites in the Hub are marked as live, page caching is re-enabled
Improved Booking product type 'products' with only 1 availability hide the quantity input and show the available dates straight away
Improved Support for Dame and Lady prefixes
Fixed Issue with some blog articles showing empty element on blog index page

Versions 8.2019.4.15

Fixed Issue with right-click menu

Versions 8.2019.4.9

New Added share to LinkedIn option. Removed Google+

Versions 8.2019.4.8

Added support for individual style settings for booking products

Versions 8.2019.4.5

Updated orders system so correct shipping address name shows with the order

Versions 8.2019.3.19

Improved Major reworking of the keyboard shortcut system for performance and reliability

Versions 8.2019.2.28

Fixed issue with HTML characters showing in customer email

Versions 8.2019.2.27

Fixed Bug with canonical URLs on some pages
Fixed Bug with renaming inputs more than once
Fixed Bug when showing error message on some forms
Improved New forms default to the admin user's email address
New Activity log in each site's cache folder
Fixed Bug with gallery based products that share the same gallery when used on the same page

Version 8.2019.2.22

Fixed Legacy issue with contact forms by updating the jQuery forms plugin

Version 8.2019.2.10

New Option to redirect 404 not found pages to the website homepage

Versions 8.2019.2.6

New Option to add a watermark PNG to a gallery. If an image is used singly elsewhere it will still show the watermarked version

Versions 8.2019.1.30

New Export products CSV option. Includes total sold values

Version 8.2019.1.28

New Added minimum consecutive days options

Version 8.2019.1.23

Fixed Added message on responsive calendar if there are no upcoming events

Version 8.2019.1.21

Fixed Deleting an order now adds stock levels back to associated products

Version 8.2019.1.17

New Contact forms now show full page the form was sent from
Fixed Redirect from non-ssl version to ssl version now uses 301 headers
Fixed accessibility mode url fix for some domains

Version 8.2019.1.2

New Option to add up to 4 brands to a hub user. Those hub users can then create sites belonging to those brands and view sites from all their selected brands

Version 8.2018.12.21

New Option to customise the 'success' message when a form is sent

Version 8.2018.12.13

View in browser link for form submissions with option to remove or export individual submissions
New option to omit the submission data from the form submission notification email

Version 8.2018.12.11

Fixed Image renaming infinite scroll bug
Fixed Scroll bug with multiple brands

Version 8.2018.12.1

Fixed Image renaming bug

Version 8.2018.11.28

Fixed Issue with booking calendars and zero-price availability

Version 8.2018.11.27

Fixed Phone number now shows up in order emails

Version 8.2018.11.19

Fixed Issue with broken images on the blog index

Version 8.2018.11.12b

Fixed Issue with required checkboxes

Version 8.2018.11.12

New Create Hub users that are restricted to certain brands. When they login they'll only see sites in their own brand and all sites they create will be in their brand

Version 8.2018.11.9b

Fix for reCAPTCHA error handling

Version 8.2018.11.9

Added Google reCAPTCHA support. Enter your credentials in Website Settings > General

Version 8.2018.11.6

Fix issue with session handling on non-ssl sites

Version 8.2018.11.5

Snippets and embed codes now work in page preview template sections
'Opens in new window' appended to accessible calendar links

Version 8.2018.10.26

Fixed domain validity script to honor https setting

Version 8.2018.10.8

Fixed issue with some product prices not showing up

Version 8.2018.10.5

New Option to set content of 404 page in Website Settings > Sitewide Content

Version 8.2018.10.4

Set HTTPOnly security with PHP Session Cookie

Version 8.2018.10.2

Fixed Issue with older themes on blog mini calendar

Version 8.2018.10.1

Fixed HTTPS now shows in share option links

Version: 8.2018.9.27

Fixed Issue with rotating some images

Version: 8.2018.9.26

Fixed Changelog slides seen state bug
New Accessibility mode icon in Hub and checkbox to enable/disable accessibility mode
New Ability to hide sites in the ready to import section

Version 8.2018.9.20

New Option to include sales tax in line items on checkout, order emails and invoice pages. When enabled, total tax will be shown below the total rather than as a separate item

Version 8.2018.9.12

Improved Custom sales tax name is now reflected in order emails

Version 8.2018.9.11

Improved New consecutive order id is now used in invoices

Version 8.2018.9.10b

Fixed Issue using quote marks in image captions

Version 8.2018.9.10

Improved Order id in subject is now consecutive
Fixed Issue with setting a shipping rate and then adjusting product quantities

Version 8.2018.9.7b

New Forms now have custom filter rules to prevent email notifications from being sent based on certain strings being added to the submission

Version 8.2018.9.7

Improved Added ability to set download expiry time for digital downloads

Version 8.2018.9.5b

Fixed Issue with download products containing dashes in the filename

Version 8.2018.8.27

Fixed Images that have just been uploaded can now be renamed

Version 8.2018.8.21

Improved All categories now pre-selected by default in calendars with multiple categories
Improved Time and location now display on title attributes for events

Version 8.2018.8.9

Repeating events can now have an end date

Version 8.2018.8.6

Improved Minor changes to Hub UI

Version 8.2018.8.1

New Slideshow system to demonstrate new functionality with each update
New Multiple Hub users

Version 8.2018.7.31

Fixed Issue with product names containing dollar symbols

Version 8.2018.7.27

Fixed Bug with adding embed codes. Improved consistency with adding line breaks. Ctrl+enter will add a line break. Enter will save the changes

Version 8.2018.7.26

Fixed Bug where widgets wouldn't render correctly on the page

Version 8.2018.7.24

Added support for repeating events

Version 8.2018.7.20

New Option to set the 'Submit button' text per form

Version 8.2018.7.6

Added image search system. Design mode theme supports the new feature

Version 8.2018.7.4

Improved pagetitle variable now available in $content.subPageIndex array

Version 8.2018.6.25

Stop PayPal refunds creating new orders

Version 8.2018.6.22

Fixed duplicate category issue when using 'quick add' Fixed shipping and coupon values not being saved in checkout

Version 8.2018.6.14

New Added support for theme_merge/css/email.css and theme_merge/email/email.tpl override templates for design mode sites

Version 8.2018.6.11

Fixed Issue with deleting subscribers in mailing lists when using select all on a filtered list
$google_maps_api_key variable exposed to widget templates

Version 8.2018.6.7

Fixed Issue with google maps api key replacement system

Version 8.2018.6.4b

Added ability to automatically add IP anonymization to Google Analytics tags. Disable with $anonymizeGA=false; in config file

Version 8.2018.6.4

Fixed Click-ability of links in next month of calendar view

Version 8.2018.5.30

New 'Reset downloads' button in Orders to reset digital download count
New Embed codes can now automatically insert Google Maps API key. Make sure your server config file include the following line $google_maps_api_key = "###";

Version 8.2018.5.24

Fixed issue with confirmation links not showing full name with newsletter signup auto responders
Fixed Scaling of default mailing list email notification pages on mobile devices

Version 8.2018.5.23

Fixed Bug when changing product option values

Version 8.2018.5.18

Improved Datalayer key names adjusted for checkout event

Version 8.2018.5.17b

Fixed Bug with 'select all' logic in mailing lists when unselecting some of the selection

Version 8.2018.5.16

Fixed Page Access Group system bug

Version 8.2018.5.15

Fixed issue with select all and some actions when working with subscribers
Added 'Need repermission' filter item
Improved It's no longer required to set a site to free mode before deleting it in the Hub
New 'Change to free mode' button in the Hub to switch a site back to free mode

Version 8.2018.5.14

Fixed Embed codes inside widget zones within sitewide content areas are now rendered directly to the template, allowing Smarty operators on them

Version 8.2018.5.12

Fixed issue with printing booking list
Fixed issue where the admin level 'add booking' system wasn't working
Fixed issue where the admin level 'add booking' system was remaining visible even on themes that don't require it (due to the admin checkout system)

Version 8.2018.5.11

New Digital product download attempts can now be adjusted in Website Settings
New Filter tool when viewing orders to allow displaying of dispatched ordered
Fixed Issue with using 'support login' links on some websites with SSL enabled

Version 8.2018.5.8b

Fix: Fixed issue when updating to 8.2018.5.2
Improved Default logo adjusted

Version 8.2018.5.2

Improved IP addresses are anonymised before being stored in the statistics database table
Improved Query strings are removed from statistics database table
New 'Delete individual user data' tool to remove a user's personal data from all areas of the system
New Double-opt in when a user fills in a newsletter subscribe form or is added to a mailing list via contact form
New Logging of consent with each mailing list subscriber and ability to download that information
New ***CONFIRM_LINK*** variable for newsletter auto-responder emails. All mailing list auto-responder emails need a link set to this variable to allow double-opt in. Auto-responder emails without this variable set will have it automatically inserted at the end of the content area
New Shortcode replacements in webversion now behave the same way as in the email. i.e name, email and repermission links continue to work
New It's now not possible to send a mailing list message to an email containing a CONFIRM_LINK variable
New Repermissioning system. Subscribers can be marked as requiring repermissioning. Then, if a message containing the ***REPERMISSION*** shortcode is sent, only those needing repermissioning will receive it. If they click the link their last permissioned date will be updated. Mailing lists can now be filtered to show emails that haven't been repermissioned for a certain period of time
Fixed Sitemap.xml now shows https if used
Improved Lastmod now updates in sitemap.xml when comments are added and edits are made.
Fixed Sitemap.xml wouldn't always show new blog articles.
Fixed Invoice pages now show submitted form data where a form is added to checkout instead of an empty form
Improved Text is now selectable in orders display view
Improved Print version when displaying order details
Fixed Order dates now honour the Website Settings > General > Timezone settings
Improved Orders list now displays date and email address on wider displays
Improved Orders list now displays newest items at the top
Improved Digital products now have the option to download the uploaded file from the products view
Fixed Reported total from payments no longer shows double tax and shipping values

Version 8.2018.4.24

Fixed Issue with canonical URLs and sharing blog pages to Facebook

Version 8.2018.4.23b

Fixed issue with PayPal IPN processing

Version 8.2018.4.20

Fixed Issue with favicon uploading in design mode

Version 8.2018.4.12

Added exclusion for /.well-known/ directory in .htaccess file

Version 8.2018.4.10b

Fixed Bug that resulted in CSS not displaying

Version 8.2018.4.10

Improved Tax, shipping, discount and coupon values are now stored with the order and shown in emails

Version 8.2018.4.9

Improved Accessible version of bookings pages

Version 8.2018.4.6

Fixed Issue with reporting of sending progress in Campaigns view

Version 8.2018.4.5

Fixed Issue with visible stock values on products with multiple choices

Version 8.2018.4.4

Fixed snippets now works as a line by line requirement in custom KB article content

Version 8.2018.4.3

New You can now use values from fields in the 'redirect on send' page address
Improved Contact form 'from address' handling improved
Improved Newsletter emails 'from address' handling improved

Version 8.2018.3.28

Fixed Bug where images in the help system would break after initial load in some situations

Version 8.2018.3.27

Improved Digital download links now go directly to the https version for SSL enabled sites. This solves the bug with the download link counting twice each time it was clicked

Version 8.2018.3.23

Improved Live preview won't switch back to the homepage if you've navigated to another page
Improved Live preview behaviour when re-ordering images
Fixed Bug where image order in filtered category would appear not to 'stick'
Improved Checkout functionality with one or more gateways enabled

Version 8.2018.3.22

Improved Added confirmation when uploading an existing image
Improved Form fields can now be deleted even after submissions have been received. Deleted fields will show with a 'Deleted' label in the column header in the CSV export
Fixed Canonical URLs for blog articles
Fixed Removed low-contrast styling from tag cloud in accessible mode

Version 8.2018.3.20

Added Smarty function blog_by_tag to allow showing recent articles based on a supplied 'tag'. Used in design mode theme 'Recent blog articles by tag' widget

Version 8.2018.3.19

New Added ability to connect to Google to display calendar events. Requires configuration per site

Version 8.2018.3.2

New Ability to add custom articles to the KB.

Version 8.2018.2.28

Fixed Issue with integration when using tax and shipping amounts

Version 8.2018.2.9b

New Now includes three template themes based on design mode. These template sites do not have their own theme folder inside them, instead, the theme should be set to global_design_mode_theme when/if your import these themes
New The self-signup example website is now setup to offer the three new template themes as theme choices. Make sure you leave the theme-adventure,theme-coffee and theme-school folders in place in the 'sites' folder for this to work

Version 8.2018.2.9

Fixed Issue with thumbnails in self-signup template site
New Added 'act as' button to let self signup system admin account view the 'my sites' page as one of the users
New Added a disable billing option to allow the self-signup system to run without any automatic billing. Sites will not revert to free mode after each month when this $disablebilling is set to true. This is for situations where you bill your clients manually or with different amounts. Use the tools in the Hub to disable sites as required

Version 8.2018.2.8

New Caption property added to data tables. Is inserted as element in the HTML

Version 8.2018.2.7b

New Product SKU codes can now be stored with products

Version 8.2018.2.7

New When a user clicks the unsubscribe link, they see a form where they can select which of the 'visible on signup form' categories they want to be part of

Version 8.2018.2.6

Improved Hub speed improvements

Version 8.2018.1.30

Fixed Issue with editing blog articles
Fixed Checkout bugs

Version 8.2018.1.29

New Per product shipping rates.
New Option to show/hide sales tax from mini basket
New Option to show/hide the '+ Sales tax' text with net prices
New Design Mode always shows up for users logged in via the Hub

Version 8.2018.1.19

New Autocomplete when adding tags to blog articles based on tags added to other articles

Version 8.2018.1.15

New Backup scripts for versioned site-by-site database backup.

Version 8.2018.1.10

Improved Performance of image loading in Help

Version 8.2018.1.5

Fixed Issue with titles on links after re-opening a page
Fixed Bug when importing from an existing some site in some situations. ('Specified key was too long')
Improved Design mode/theme vars image options now show a preview of the uploaded image

Version 8.2018.1.3b

New Option to exclude pages from search engines. Add this to your main.tpl template to enable the feature in a theme (Design mode theme supports it natively)

{if $content.noindex}
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

Version 8.2018.1.2

Improved Knowledge base

Version 8.2018.1.2

New Smarty modifier available: images_from_content use this modifier as follows to return an array of image strings from images contained in the HTML variable supplied as the first argument

{assign var=images value=$content|images_from_content:true:$siteurl}

Version 8.2017.12.9

Improved Allow multiple emails to be added in order notification email

Version 8.2017.12.7

Fixed Issue where the Facebook pinned tag setting would empty itself
Improved Design changes to knowledge base

Version 8.2017.12.1

Fixed Bug where renaming a product would appear to change the names of the 'choices' for that product (actual option names weren't changed)

Version 8.2017.11.30.3

Improved Added support for Greek pagenames

Version 8.2017.11.30.2

Fixed Support login link on mobiles now visible

Version 8.2017.11.30.1

New Allow individual products to be made exempt from sales tax

Version 8.2017.11.30

Fixed Issue with saving additional payment gateway credentials

Version 8.2017.11.24

New Sales tax settings exposed to shoppingbasket.tpl

Version 8.2017.11.23

New 'Pinned' feature for blog articles (requires template support, 'design mode' includes support). Wherever pinned articles are included in a set of articles (i.e main index, category, tag or date filters) the pinned articles will be omitted from the main results and exposed as a separate loop
New Option for Facebook import to 'pin' articles with a certain tag

Version 8.2017.11.22

New "Test live domains and set Live checkboxes for live sites" option in the Hub to automatically set live sites 'live' checkbox when the site is found to be live (useful to setting the live checkbox on old servers)
Improved Checkout template now gets a net_totals variable to show the total basket without the sales tax component

Version 8.2017.11.21

New Cron script to check if live domains are resolving via DNS. (/sh/notify-facebook-posts.php - recommended run once daily)

Version 8.2017.11.20

Adding new images now replaces dashes and underscores with spaces
Improved Display when dragging images
Improved Self signup sample website is now build using Design Mode

Version 8.2017.11.16

Improved Multiple (up to three) gateways can now be configured in design mode themes. PayPal and support are available

Version 8.2017.11.15

Fixed Issue with shortcodes for links with titles in Sitewide Content
Fixed Issue with shortcodes for links with titles in Blog posts

Version 8.2017.11.6

Fixed Issue with dollar symbols in contact forms

Version 8.2017.11.2

New Function available as Smarty plugin (PHP 5.6 Required if this plugin is used)
New Option to add multiple payment gateways to a theme. See settings/gateways.json in the design mode theme for an example
Fixed Bug with attendee data being duplicated
Fixed Crash when Facebook authorization revoked from Facebook account
Fixed Bug when viewing images filtered by category and then adding/changing selected categories, resulting in duplicate images in galleries

Version 8.2017.10.27

New Connect to Facebook feature. Allows site owners to connect to their Facebook accounts and have their feed imported to the website blog

Version 8.2017.10.22

Improved Compatibility when downloading digital products
Fixed If an alternative address is added from a custom checkout implementation, it is now labelled 'shipping address' in the admin and normal PayPal supplied address is referred to as the billing address

Version 8.2017.10.20

Fixed issue where basket wouldn’t show all attendee data when bookings products where added
Improved Pages with booking products on now store entered information and pre-load when returned to the page (i.e if the user goes back from the checkout page). The user is given the option to reset

Version 8.2017.10.18

Fixed Bugs in front-end admin checkout system
Improved Custom name definitions in booking products now export to CSV and show in Bookings back end

Version 8.2017.10.17

Improved Booking products ‘add manual booking’ option removed for consistency (only on sites where the front-end manual order mode is supported)
Improved Add ability to define the names of ‘adults’, ‘children’ and ‘concessions’ per booking product
Fixed Layout bugs with 4x 25% form columns
Improved Order of fields in admin front-end checkout form
Fixed CSV export issue where children were swapped to concessions in booking CSV export
New Added ‘archive’ mode to Orders view. Three modes now behave as follows:
Delete: Deletes the order everywhere including associated bookings. No email is sent to the customer. CSV export will not show deleted orders
Archive: Hides the order from the main orders list. Associated booking data and CSV export data will remain visible
Dispatch: The same as Archive but the order dispatched email will be sent to the customer

Version 8.2017.10.13

New Logged in admin users can now place a customer order from front-end checkout. (Requires support in theme, design mode is supported)
New Stock alerts system. Admin users can enable an option to receive low stock alerts for products my ‘Your account’. Products need to be configured to trigger alerts, along with a threshold, in Storage > Products. Only products that have the option enabled will trigger alerts. Admins will receive one alert when a product stock level is taken from above the threshold to below it. It will re-trigger every time the level goes from above to below the threshold
Fixed Bookings layout bug

Version 8.2017.10.12

Fixed Image sizes, layout templates, widget templates and advanced text and image styles now all work with localisation file. Use Custom_ at the beginning of the key in the languages json file. For example Custom_Banner_Bottom
Fixed Bug with contact form based products

Version 8.2017.10.11

Improved Images and text links can have title attributes. Text links title attribute populated like this: [test link](link)[title here] - image links take title from description
Improved Headings now show their HTML labels to help anyone editing content with an SEO or accessibility perspective

Version 8.2017.10.6

Fixed Scrolling/jumping quirks in editor - particularly in Chrome

Version 8.2017.10.5

Fixed Various fixes to booking products

Version 8.2017.9.21b

New options in Website Settings > General for clearing caches and rebuilding search index
Improved Search now index content from Snippets as well as captions in galleries
Fixed Bug when adding files with + symbols in file name
Improved Calendar ICS download now includes correct time and duration

Version 8.2017.9.18

New Booking products can now connect to a contact form to collect a set of information for each attending individual. This is then visible and exportable to CSV using the daily view in the Bookings area in the CMS


Fixed Issue where closing a tab while a draft autosave event was firing or a poor internet connection could result in data loss from current draft
Improved Browser will prompt to stay on page if navigated away while a draft is autosaving


Fixed Issue with downloading large files
New Added {FORM_RESPONSE} tag to order received templates to show checkout contact form data to customer


Improved Theme vars can now be excluded based on enabled features. Add “require”: “PRODUCTS” to only show an option when products is enabled in that site. Add to a “title” option to exclude the whole section. Strings are: PRODUCTS, BOOKING_PRODUCTS, VIDEOS, FORMS, CALENDARS, SNIPPETS, EMBED_CODES, LIVECHAT, MAILING_LIST, BLOG


New api/search


Improved Numeric order id is now added to ‘new order’ emails


New Page compression now enabled for css/js assets
New New system to ‘inline’ all javascript and css on initial page load, then swap back to file based for subsequent page loads. Faster page loading for initial loads whilst still leveraging browser caching for subsequent pageviews. Support for this can be enabled in any theme. See the Design Mode theme for sample code


New Self signup sample website now includes provision for domain registrar integration
New When adding a new form input option, line breaks in the pasted value will convert to new options


Fixed after-update.php script fixes


Improved Donation products now limited to one in basket
New Accessibility Mode. Define a custom domain to use in the Hub for a fully accessible version of the site


Improved Shift+Click now selects end-to-end when manually adding a new booking


Fixed Bug with serving CSS files in theme_merge directory
Fixed Bug with serving JS files in theme_merge directory
Fixed Bug with serving graphics from the theme_merge directory


New Custom currencies can now be added to the choices by adding a new file in settings/additional_currencies.json using a format like this:

        "full":"VND (Vietnamese Dong)"


Improved call change event on datepicker form fields when it updates the value


Fixed Prevented decimal quantity values
Improved Sidebar pages now honour the ‘hide from menus’ checkbox


Fixed Checkout issue with HTML text showing after going through to PayPal


New Support for ‘width’ for form fields. 25/50/75/100 in addition to ‘new row’ and ‘horizontal rule’ field types
New Support for ‘width’ for form fields. (Automatically enabled when used with themes that support it)


Fixed issue with mini basket
Improved Contact form emails now use customer name is ‘from name’ like: ‘Steve Jobs (Sent via’ to allow mail clients to Group them logically
Improved Contact form emails now use customer email address in ‘reply to’ field so emails can be replied to directly. Actual from email remains as no-reply@ to ensure deliverability)
Fixed Sales tax calculation bug


Fixed issue with large donation amounts


Improved Added date to invoice template


Added ‘Invoice’ widget. When added to a page a ‘view invoice’ link will appear in the Orders view. This can then be printed or viewed. The customer will also get a link to this invoice page with their order received email


Fixed Fix blog snippet issue with widgets with zones


Fixed Force Hub to use new css from 8.2017.4.4
Fixed Share links behaviour


Fixed Bug with clicking button in popdown dialogue areas in Chrome/Windows
New Added export options to the hub including the admin user email addresses for either master users or all admin users
New Sales tax options


New Added ability to add sender details to newsletter form from contact form submissions
New Special theme variable allowed with variable name of ’default_template_section’ that can be used to show a template section first even if it’s not first in the template sections json file


Fixed Bug where Editor area would jump when removing or adding elements
Fixed Bug where Editor area would jump to bottom when adding a widget
Improved Copy and pasting content is now specific to logged in user account


Fixed Files search bug


New Hub now includes ability to select an existing site to use as content source
New Hub now includes ability to choose theme for new sites


Fixed Theme variables now populate in contact form auto responders and newsletter autoresponders
Fixed Theme variables now populate in newsletter templates


Fixed Livechat performance issue
New Contact forms can now be set to redirect to a page on submit


New Added page redirect option on form submission


Improved pre-cache page speed on sites with large blogs


Improved Contact form shows website at bottom
Improved Using ESC no long triggers operating system level operations like exiting full screen mode on mac


New Sitewide content and template sections can be given custom names from theme_vars variables


Fixed Bug when tables are added to some content areas

Theme updates

Version 9.3.2023.8.31

Fixed Issue with training question when using an empty pool

Version 9.3.2023.8.17

Improved Conditional Form Toggle widgets now support > and < operators in the rules definitions

Version 9.3.2023.8.10

Fixed Issue with parallax image sizes

Version 9.3.2023.8.9

Improved New color options for nav hover and current
Improved Search forms in header now no longer use popup
Fixed Issue with Banner widgets that don't yet have images added
Fixed Newsletter template fixes and improvements
Improved Improvements to lightbox styles

Version 2

Improved New social icons for widget and modules

Version 9.2023.8.9

New Intranet homepage widget

Version 9.2023.5.11

Improved Added image loading optimisiation to subpage index with filter widget

Version 9.2021.7.1

Fixed Issue with ‘frills mode’ and columns

Version 9.2020.10.9

Improved Upgraded Countdown widget to include contextual help and enable the date to be edited via a property rather than editable zone

Version 9.2020.9.23

Improved Spam protected widget as many more options

Version 9.2020.8.6

Fixed Page meta inforation fixed

Version 9.2020.7.31

Fixed Content rows with background video set now display if no content set.
Fixed Page thubmanil not working in some situations.
Improved Forum widget now allows multiple categories per instance.
New Image widget system to allow for proper display of images including switchin to a placeholder when the source image is removed from storage, as well as enabling retina ssupport for images used in emails

Version 8.2019.12.6b

Improved Inline anchors now autoscroll to reveal themselves if linked to from another page and the page has a fixed header

Version 8.2019.11.15

Fixed Bug with scroll effects.
Fixed Bug with sub page with filter widget

Version 8.2019.11.8

Fixed Issue showing menu item duplicates in mobile header

Version 8.2019.11.5

Fixed issue with popup link widget

Version 8.2019.11.1

Fixed Issue with resize events not firing.
Fixed ADA Compliance issue with headings order in blog templates

Version 8.2019.10.3

Improved Image filename now displayed when working with images.
Improved Image caption renaming process
Fixed Issue with sidebar layouts
Improved Accessibility of banner widgets.
Fixed Issue with auto height boxes when filtering sub page index.

Version 8.2019.9.26

Fixed Opacity of images in evenly spaced images container.

Version 8.2019.9.19

Fixed Duplicate content bug in accessible mode.

Version 8.2019.9.18

Fixed Issue with menu item on mobile devices

Version 8.2019.9.13

New Option to prevent single words falling on last lines of text and headings

Version 8.2019.8.27

Fixed issue with search results in accessible sites.

Version 8.2019.8.12

Added accessible mode content bars for bars 7-10

Version 8.2019.8.6

Fixed javascript loading bug.

Version 8.2019.6.17

Added ability to set number of characters use for previews in blog index

Version 8.2019.6.10b

Fixed Sites with fixed headers now allow for the space with inline anchors are clicked.

Version 8.2019.5.21

New gallery styles

Version 8.2019.5.10b

Mobile menu fix.
Fixed Font size issue with some form elements.
New Advanced image style, 'Caption Below Image'.
New Advanced text styles, Much Smaller, Bigger and Much Bigger.
Fixed Issue with text being cut off on long form input labels.

Version 8.2019.3.18

Remove icons from accessibility mode

Version 8.2019.2.13

New Banner areas can now have a default content set in Sitewide content

Version 8.2019.1.23

Fixed issue with some contact form based products

Version 8.2019.1.21

Fixed Issue with consent widgets
Fixed Galleries issue in accessible mode

Version 8.2019.1.2

Added Oxipay prices to individual product 'add to basket' buttons

Versions 8.2019.1.2

Improved Ability to use different alt/description for image links with captions. Use a shortcode like this in the image description field: [caption: This will be the caption] followed by the text you want to use as the alt/description.
Fixed Issue with form validation at checkout.
Improved Load times on some background image areas

Versions 8.2018.12.20

New Added Oxipay gateway

Versions 8.2018.12.17

Improved Added Google Maps as a specific consent item

Versions 8.2018.12.7

Improved Handling and display of out of stock products when 'only sell if in stock' is enabled

Versions 8.2018.12.5

Fixed Stock notification on form based products.
Improved Products now display 'currently unavailable' when out of stock and 'only sell if in stock' is ticked

Version 8.2018.11.21

Improved Performance on older mobile devices.
New Option to add sidebar subnav automatically.
New Image size options.
New Index as grid display mode

Version 8.2018.11.5b

Fixed Issue with gallery slideshow speeds

Version 8.2018.10.29b

Mobile menu now has sub-menus collapsed by default.
Fixed Bug with buttons when showing the basket total number

Version 8.2018.10.18

New scroll-effects mode to add animation to content as the visitors scrolls down. Enable in Design > Setup > Enable scroll effects

Version 8.2018.10.16

Fixed Image captions no longer display on accessible mode, avoiding redundancy.
Fixed email address validation
Improved Accessible version of gallery with thumbs.
Improved Accessible version of calendar includes 'opens in new window'
Improved Images filter menu
Improved Added a 'paid' tickbox to the admin user checkout flow.
New icon options for mobile header.

Version 8.2018.10.11

Improvements to the calendar popup system.

Version 8.2018.10.10

Fixed to event popup system
Fixed display of calendar on dark backgrounds

Version 8.2018.10.8b

New Popup showing all event meta data

Version 8.2018.9.27b

New extra icon in mobile header.
New icon option for Accessibility in mobile header

Version 8.2018.9.26

Accessibility mode fixes
Improved Moved Design > Advanced to Design > Setup and moved to the top of the list
Improved Blog index image is no longer cropped.

Version 8.2018.9.19

New Mobile header mode

Version 8.2018.9.12

New Added option to control delay for the Popup Message widget.
Fixed layout issues with some forms.

Version 8.2018.9.4

New option to enable a quantity input for products with the 'add to basket' button.

Version 8.2018.8.31

Improved Checkout links now show order total quantity in brackets
Improved Checkout links now have an optional icon choice in Design > Advanced > Checkout icon.

Version 8.2018.8.17

Improved Drop down page previews now show below the menu item if they don't need the full width

Version 8.2018.8.14

Fixed Bug where button colour wouldn't reflect design mode settings.

Version 8.2018.8.13

New Added 'enable back to top button' option. Adds a button that smooth-scrolls the user back to the top of the page.
New Added an option to control the speed of 'carousel slide autoscroll' in Website Settings > Template Settings > Carousel Slide Autoscroll speed.

Version 8.2018.8.8

Fixed Bug with content duplicating from content bar 2 in the accessible version

Version 8.2018.8.7

Fixed Bug preventing coupon codes from working.

Version 8.2018.8.6

Improved YouTube embed widget.

Version 8.2018.8.2

New 'Navigation Menu With Middle Logo (mobile version on left)' to allow the mobile version of the menu to show on the left.

Version 8.2018.8.1

Fixed Issue with some styles not applying to content bars 8-10.
New Content bar 4,5 and 6 now have separate accessible versions.

Version 8.2018.7.26

New "Content With Sticky Sidebar" widget.

Version 8.2018.7.16

Fixed 'Date' input type styling fixed.

Version 8.2018.7.6

Added image search option to search results. Finds images from galleries based on caption and links directly to the page with the gallery image selected

Version 8.2018.7.4

Improved Expand/collapse box now allows normal links to be followed

Version 8.2018.6.11

New Google Maps widget. Enter an address into the editable area to display a map

Version 8.2018.5.17

New three additional content rows
Fixed Payment gateways not showing up in backend.
New Accessible version alternative content rows for the first three content rows. (These will be shown on the accessible version of the site when enabled and populated)

Version 8.2018.5.12

New Consent widget system to allow consent to be requested to allow certain features to be enabled. Learn more

Version 8.2018.5.2

Improved Header and footer now hide when the page is printed.

Version 8.2018.4.10 shipping/handling issue resolved.

Version 8.2018.3.21

Added: Hide stock levels option
New Added option to set number of recent articles to display in the 'Recent articles' widgets.

Version 8.2018.3.20

Fixed Issue with 'tag' text on blog articles.
New Widget to display recent articles by tag: 'Recent Blog Articles By Tag'.

Version 8.2018.3.20

Improved checkout process

Version 8.2018.3.12

Improved YouTube embed widget now supports links with a start time.

Version 8.2018.3.1

New Payment gateway for Swish

Version 8.2018.2.27

Improved Performance of slideshow banner areas.
New Calendars now shows as a simple list on accessible version of website.
New Payment gateway for eWAY
New Payment gateway for Payment Express

Version 8.2018.2.22b

Improved Expand/collapse widgets now work if they are nested using Snippets

Version 8.2018.2.21

Fixed Issue with all headers/footers background colours

Version 8.2018.2.19

Fixed Bug with coupon code not applying in some situations.
Fixed Bug with resizing page when banner widgets are added

Version 8.2018.2.13

New Message shows in checkout if stock limits quantity in basket
New Pay Later checkout option

Version 8.2018.2.9

New Circular advanced image style. Use in conjunction with a square size option to display images as circles.

Version 8.2018.2.5

Fixed Bug when items with and with tax eligibility are added to the basket and sales tax is added at the same time as a discount coupon.

Version 8.2018.1.30

New 5 more coupon 'slots'
Fixed When entering an incorrect coupon code, users can click to try another code.

Version 8.2018.1.29

New Added ability to add fixed amount discount for coupons
New Added expiration date to coupons

Version 8.2018.1.10

Improved Coupon codes can now be restricted to only products in a certain category

Version 8.2018.1.8

Fixed Bug with donation and gallery products.

Version 8.2018.1.5

Improved Sales tax shows in live shopping basket.
Improved Products added to pages via Snippets will now show the parent page's default image as the product image and link.

Version 8.2018.1.2b

New Canonical link tags added for all pages except search pages.
New noindex,follow tags added for blog tag/date and search pages.
New 'Poster image' feature. Enable in Design > Advanced > Enable poster image template section. This will enable a 'Poster image' template where an image can be added to override the default auto-generaged Facebook and Twitter sharing images when someone shares the image.

Version 8.2017.12.20

Improved Product prices now indicate if the price is 'plus sales tax'

Version 8.2017.12.7

Improved Allow image to attach to add to basket button when multiple products are on a page and one imagen and one product are added in a single row layout.

Version 8.2017.12.5

Improved Multi-gateway checkout support.
Fixed Sales tax line item no longers displays in mini live basket

Version 8.2017.11.30.4

Improved More shipping tiers (5) and options (10 per tier) added.

Version 8.2017.11.24

New Added option to stop the addition of sales tax to orders depending on which shipping rate is selected.

Version 8.2017.11.22

Fixed Issue with dropdown menus being obscured

Version 8.2017.11.21b

Fixed Issue with alignment of secondary right modules
New Search widget option for all modules

Version 8.2017.11.10

New Design > Advanced > Match parallax zoom levels across page. Enable this mode to make sure all parallax areas crop by the same factor. This will be based on the parallax background that requires the most cropping.
Parallax background cropping improved. Backgrounds only crop as much as they need to. For example if a background is enabled for a bar near the top of the page, that area will never need to reveal part of the background image near the bottom of the user's window. Therefore, the enlarging of that image doesn't need to be as aggressive.
New 'Combined Parallax' mode. All 5 background images are combined to create a 3D layered parallax scrolling effect. Background image 1 will appear further away than background image 5. Images will need to be PNGs of GIFs with transparent areas.

Version 8.2017.11.3

Improved New 'tier' in shipping options

Version 8.2017.11.2

New Choose between PayPal or as payment gateways

Version 8.2017.10.18b

Improved Layout on radio and checkboxes in contact forms

Version 8.2017.10.5

Fixed Parallax performance


New Centered header module has new ‘menu with middle logo’ option. Add a logo asset in the center module area as well and it will show as the middle item of a centered menu (works best with even number of pages)


Fixed issue with ‘require’ settings in design mode


Fixed various display bugs
Improved theme_vars_choices.json-userlogo version (swap this for theme_vars_choices.json when using the theme in a self-signup environment to let customers add their own branding elements)


New Support for new inlining of css/js for initial pageviews.
New Option to disable Google Fonts if required for further page speed improvement


New Background video now supported on iOS


Fixed Issue with justify menus.


Added Google Translate module


Improved WCAG 2.0 improved compliance


Added: Shipping discount code


New Support for ‘width’ for form fields. 25/50/75/100 in addition to ‘new row’ and ‘horizontal rule’ field types. (Automatically enabled when used with themes that support it)


Added to basket

CheckoutContinue shopping

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